Trainer Talks

Episode #58 - Nina Teicholz - Author of The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet

Jason Stella Season 2 Episode 58

Join investigative journalist and Author Nina Teicholz and Jason Stella discuss....

  1.  What should every American know about the dietary guidelines and why should they care? (health, economics, environment)
  2.  What would the guidelines look like if you and your colleagues got the opportunity to create them/adjust them?
  3.  How might your recommendations impact the nations’ health and economy?  Are there real-world examples of what better guidelines would do for us?
  4.  If you were leading a team of front-line Fitness Professionals, what would you want them to tell their clients about nutrition?

More about Nina
- Nina Teicholz has a background in food, science and investigative reporting who became an advocate opposed to the mainstream nutritional principle that saturated fat is unhealthy and should be minimized in the American diet
- She is a guest on TEDx and is the Author of The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet – a book that takes YOU through the dramatic twists and turns of fifty years of nutrition science and lays out the evidence, so that a reader can fully understand the evidence to see for him- or herself how we arrived at our present understanding.